




—— 陶傑
陶傑先生在今日的蘋果專欄,說出了我較早前所完成論文 ——《How Politics Influence Art and Design Culture》—— 的主旨。令快要畢業的我,添上了愁眉 (雖則我知誰掌管前途)。亦帶出了一個不可輕視的問題 (特別對於在未來打算在華人社群認真從事創作的人)。
—— 李安
—— 李安
出色的創作人 (設計者) 是出色的 problem solver,解決不了問題,就是水皮。但「巧婦難為無米之炊」,又果真有道理。

... ... ... ... ... ...

鬼仔書友訪港五天,學子充當旅遊大使。跟他乘渡輪從尖咀至中環,眼界大開。書友不懂中文,卻知那中英對照的「中環碼頭」處理得差勁,無他,這叫「graphic sense」。一句「乜咁似 theme park 嘅?!」,令我有啲唔好意思。我倆諜諜不休討論着,英雄所見略同 (佢啲嘢唔錯,韜韜光先)。是唱衰康港,抑或是學有所成?!... ... 哭笑不得。

Visual 氾濫,卻出不了好 graphic designer。




At 10/12/06 1:50 pm, Blogger el said...

學子份論文遲下會唔會公開俾我地睇? :p

At 11/12/06 8:28 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good points, but who is listening?

Our society considers person who speaks the truth is a rebel or outsider. This person goes against the society believes and questions the authorities. This person will not last long in our society. Our society is too crowded for truth.

At 12/12/06 1:41 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

剛巧我都看到陶傑先生那篇文章. 很感觸.
自己是中國人, 總想自己的民族可以多一點靈性, 少一點俗氣. 但事與願違, 遲了一個世紀, 問題太多了. 我們祈待的日子, 這一代人恐怕等不及看見.

Hey, 你的文章很有point. 正. 好羡慕你可以在歐洲學習. :P

At 12/12/06 7:21 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To fully understand our societies and cultures, one must stand far away. How far? how about across an ocean.

At 12/12/06 10:03 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 13/12/06 12:30 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It helps.

For creative person, it widens his/her point of view to the world. It broadens his/her heart to accept and understand different cultures. Being oversea makes he/she realizes that our world is bigger than he/she thought. To many people, the word “World” means China.

And if he/she is a creative person, I suggest do not come back. HK has no room for creative people.

At 13/12/06 12:32 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And if he/she wants to work in a creative field, I also suggest do not work in HK and China.

At 13/12/06 12:51 am, Blogger el said...

I strongly agree with 無名氐. Although I am in grafake design field not too long, I found that I discovered so much during the trip to Europe last year. Some ppl say "Foreign moon is rounder" I strongly agree with this.

At 13/12/06 2:10 am, Blogger 學子 said...


煩請「無名氏」留下 nick name 以便識別。

無名氏,相信不少康港人都有類似無奈,奈何問題實在太複雜,且富結構性。頗同意你對 creative people 的忠告,但正所謂:有頭髮,邊個想做癩痢。完全脫離、抛棄自己的文化、身份,他投外地,未必人人適合。有時我諗:難道叫所有人移民或轉行便解決了問題嗎?!... ...「if he/she is a creative person, I suggest do not come back. 」Student visa 是有限期的,獲取工作簽證亦非易事。想做「文化難民」?!談何容易。

13,縱使資訊網絡技術一日千里,差不多真的可以「足不出戶能知天下事」,但我們卻不可低估「親歷其境」的實在和震撼。「外國的月亮特別圓特別光」有時真的不是心理作用或崇洋心態作祟;而是因為外國的樓不高且疏,令天空較大;汚染較輕,令天色較藍,令月亮較光;還有,生活節奏較慢,令你我多了點點雅興賞賞月。無名氏說的是,it helps (a lot !!!)。

無名氏,「if he/she wants to work in a creative field, I also suggest do not work in HK and China.」我也有這樣的想法。有時我也懷疑,康港 / 國內究竟有沒有類似西方的高水平專業創意行業。然而,有時可能我們也對西方的情況過份樂觀,焦點多放在好的事上。再者,始終身為外地人,要溶入他國文化,亦不是想像中的一朝一夕。

... ... ... ... ... ...


At 13/12/06 7:50 am, Blogger Hong Kong Loudspeakers said...

無名氐 is me.

I am a designer. I was educated and living in America for twenty five years. HK was my home. I used “was” because I want to distance myself from HK. HK has lost its identity. HK society deteriorates after 1997.

The HKSAR government builds on ideas of exterior outer shell without interior structures. When you observe HK, the city gives the impression of being grand and modern on the outside. But as you examine carefully, you become aware of disorganize and disorder management structures.

The HKSAR government develops this concept of “No one should be responsible for their action. If citizen has problems with the government, please ask them nicely to take that to the next departments.”

I am not saying foreign moon is rounder. There is no perfect society. From my experiences, American society accepts failures and preaches to accept consequences for our actions. Failures lead to lessons lead to successes lead to rewards.

To me, HK is great to visit friends and relatives. It is a great and wonderful place for tourists. Each year I come back, I had a great time with friends.

Just do not ask me to live here.

I am HK loudspeakers

At 13/12/06 8:57 am, Blogger Hong Kong Loudspeakers said...

I get vocal and frustrated when I talk about so call HKSAR government.

I am 香港大聲公.

At 13/12/06 3:01 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

學子你好~ 我很久以前留過言的:P
番看比照, 唉....
名字有石生,李生ETC; 到現在仍是這批...
看了那些書穫益良多(雖然過期:P 但內容很正~);

At 13/12/06 7:01 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

其實我都去過對面個英倫海峽生活過,我既眼光真係寬左好多,睇到好多以前未見過既野,不過同時我都好想返香港,將我見到既野帶返來,係香港做d 野,果時我有機會留係果面做野,不過我都係決定返香港,
「外國的月亮特別圓特別光」,你講得arm ga,不過係英國見到果又圓又大既月光時,我反而好掛住係香港見到果個比高樓擋左少少既月光。


At 14/12/06 12:30 am, Blogger Hong Kong Loudspeakers said...

No one is starting a fire and there is no fire in China. Whenever there is a fire, Chinese government will put it out immediately. Chinese people live in harmony. Chinese people are one big happy family.

I choose not to work in HK.

Here, I do not need to have right connection to make a different in the society. It helps but hard work counts and will take me further than personal connection. Here, ethical complains will not cancel an idea or project. Here, I can take chances without worry this is my last project.

I have many friends and many relatives live and work in HK. From them, I heard many unpleasant living and working condition stories. Many relatives suggested to me that with my personality I will not fit well working in HK.

I speak the truth because I care. To the Chinese, the truth is negative news. Negative news is not welcome in China and HK.

I am vocal and outspoken. It does not mean I am impolite.

I am 香港大聲公.

At 14/12/06 1:12 am, Blogger 學子 said...


香港大聲公,13,你們一矛一盾,完全講中了我的矛盾。有得揀,我會在外地工作一段時間;否則,會盡力在有限的環境做自己想做的事 (可能不是純粹創作了)。至於改變環境或待環境轉佳,恐怕非能力所及,命未必夠長。不少友好都勸戒「千祈咪返港做 design,你一定後悔,最終轉行」,然而「鬼唔知阿媽係女人」。我會試試。康港亦非地獄,留港亦非可憐,好醜也是家。

At 14/12/06 2:00 am, Blogger Hong Kong Loudspeakers said...

To 13,

Different people have different opinions. I encouraged friends who want to contribute and help HK. I wished them and you good luck.

When I am in HK, I want to buy you a drink for good luck and good wishes.

I am vocal and outspoken. It does not mean I am impolite.

I am 香港大聲公.

At 14/12/06 2:07 am, Blogger Hong Kong Loudspeakers said...

In fact, if anyone interested for drinks, we can meet in HK during the Chinese New Year Holiday.

I am vocal and outspoken. It does not mean I am impolite. I am 香港大聲公.

At 16/12/06 12:13 am, Blogger el said...

本人剛轉行做切雞工人數月, 好開心我間公司有好多有挑戰性既job做, 但我亦發覺在香港的切雞界搵食, 最難受係面對一班水準極低的客. 我老闆負責對客, 我覺得佢已經好好, 間唔中都會educate下d客, 但大部分客都唔會接受到正確的思為, 同埋做老闆, 都係賺錢為先啦, 點會下下同你講社會責任丫, 所以亦經常要硬住頭皮做垃圾.

在如此社會, 無論designer本身有幾好, 能夠發揮到本身幾多成實力?

我之前o係澳洲讀過書欏埋passport. 家陣都叫有條後路. 而家plan緊儲多d portfolio下年過去搵工架喇. 因為我知澳洲的月亮雖比唔上英國, 但至少是一個"較為正常"的地方吧... 哈哈!

13兄, 天真唔係錯, 但我想先不要對這行業有太大希望先. 希望越大,失望越大. 去到外國自然會思鄉. 我之前o係澳洲都有同樣心路歷程, 返到黎之後, 亦真正覺得香港好過幾年架, 但一路做野做到而家, hopeless哂! 一樣野, 就係香港正在倒退, 今日你覺得香港仲有野好, 有個咁既香港正苦, 幾年後o個d好野分分鐘會消失哂.

香港大聲公: I appreciate outspoken spirit. And I don't think assertive speaking is bad, 胡恩威's 消滅香港2 is assertive, but it is damn good! Keep making noise!

At 16/12/06 2:55 am, Blogger Hong Kong Loudspeakers said...

to e,

I read both 胡恩威's books. They were very good.

In this city, people coming, and leaving daily.

Isn't life interest?

I am 香港大聲公.

At 17/12/06 11:30 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess the guy who design the central pier love to goto disneyland alot... seems like "inspired by disneyland".

At 18/12/06 1:17 am, Blogger 學子 said...

唉 ~~~ (睇見天星 ... ...)


真係好驚好驚,「罅星碼頭」只係「頭炮」,之後整個新海濱都以類似「style」全面覆蓋 ... ...

At 18/12/06 10:59 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

我覺得有點似小型中央圖書館喎 ~
我未去過外國 , 連澳門都未去過 , 無得點對比香港同外國既文化 , 事物 , 但單單由細到大都 0係 呢片地度長大 , 唔多唔少都有點覺得 , 就算明知香港文化情況越來越差 , 卻都仲想有點保留 , 希望有日 "物極必反" , 香港正苦會發癲脫離中國中央的 "偉大思想" , 重建自己形象之之類類 , 但似乎越來越覺得無可能了....
有人話 , 中環天星咁搞法香港會漸漸變得無歷史文化背景 , 我覺得呢個只係表象 , 根底可能係中央既意思 , 要徹底洗去之前 "英國下的香港" , 而換來真真正正既 "中國下的香港" . 可能咁樣睇 d 事情會合理 d , 我地都只可以希望特首呢個扯線公仔有日變得有靈性 , 可以脫離 d 線而跟自己的意思生活 , 一切都只能 "希望" 吧 ~

At 20/12/06 5:30 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

其實, 康港在97前都是“借來的地方, 借來的時間“, 沒有明確身份及 tradition 做 backup, 美其名東西薈萃,但往往只是
“東不成西不就”。(指在文化藝術方面)根本不懂得什麼是藝術文化價值。加上康港是個商業社會,從來比較向錢看, 看重時間與效益,deadline tight 到不能再 tight時, 哪有心情說美感?


「阿Q」 D 諗,最“爛“的東西去到最後都會被淘汰, 能在設計行業生存上幾個年頭亦不容易,這樣就轉行你們甘心嗎?太過一廂情願,跑到外國,不見得人家一定會歡迎你。你太勁,對方 會眼紅,你o吾勁,對方會"mute" 你, 在外國要被人認同及/或接受,可能會比留守本地更難?!

At 21/12/06 10:06 am, Blogger Hong Kong Loudspeakers said...

I totally disagree with you.

Of course, there are obstacles and difficulty working for foreign companies. But the points are that most foreign companies appreciate skills and work performance.

From a personal and real experience, if you had the skills and abilities to win over them, they accept you with open arms and treat you well. Here in the foreign land, if I did well for a project it was because I care about the projects. No stupid reasons. I love my job. It had nothing to do with being a kiss ass to the boss or to be a shoe shine boy for the manager.

Compare to working for most Asian companies, if I performed well, there might be reasons and speculation around the office in regard to my work performance. I better had plenty of explanation and justification to the manager. My manager might get ideas of me being the next kiss ass or shoe shine boy for the big boss.

At 23/12/06 12:55 am, Blogger Hong Kong Loudspeakers said...

為什麼“今”博? 博上位

At 23/12/06 11:28 am, Blogger 學子 said...

搏乜?上乜位?... ... 唔明。

At 13/1/07 7:27 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sixstation個benny luk 早前話 大陸個
dishman 插圖抄襲佢wo
我自己就覺得benny luk

At 15/1/07 2:55 am, Blogger 學子 said...

(先申報,學子跟 Benny 份屬好友兼街坊。)


就 sixstation 事件而言,兩位主角的取向和動機成了兩者不同的關鍵。一個經過多年努力,建立了一套具個人及地方風格的視覺語言;另一個則努力多年,仍樂此不疲地臨摹着。諷刺的是,短短數年,後者成了紅人,更代表國家遠征東洋搞展覽云云。

據知,抄襲者已經知衰,並對 Benny 致歉了。事情總算告一段落。


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