

Advertising Agency: Leo Burnett, Hong Kong
Executive Creative Director: Connie Lo
Creative Director: Miranda Shing
Art Directors: Miranda Shing, Timothy Li
Copywriters: Paul Yu, Cyrus Ho

「疑似失竊單位為英國攝影師 John Ross,他為樂隊 Manic Street Preachers 名為 LifeBlood 的大碟創作及拍攝的影像」《蛇果》畢明《創意工業冇創意》

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兩年前(2007)康港廣告商會 (4As) 的「省靚招牌五十年抄襲事件」震驚中外。今年(2009),有「康港廣告界奧斯卡」之稱的「金帆廣告大獎」大獎得主,又鬧出大鑊嘢!金帆金帆,今鋪都咪話唔煩。(如果尚有廉恥的話)

多年來,有個疑問 —— 唔知點解啲廣告人成日自居最有創意,成日串串貢咁,將做廣告塑造到好似好超然咁。「我淨係惗 concept (gimmick)㗎咋,砌稿呢啲下欄嘢我唔做㗎。」。甚至聽聞有從業、學生、教師以「狗眼看人低」之態傲視其他創意工業界別。「做唔掂廣告,你就返去做 graphic design 啦。」「Graphic designer 淨係惗點整靚啲嘢,我哋?!度橋食腦㗎嘛!(咀秒秒狀)」。又聽聞,有修讀廣告的大學生,以「齋惗 concept」為榮,若被要求提供較完整的 execution 或 finished artwork,就會以「非工作範圍」為由拒絕。據了解,那是老師真傳的。

無意一竹篙打一船人,但行內人,一定知我講緊乜。經過上述兩鑊甘一甘的出醜,真係希望嗰啲目中無人嘅廣告友收皮一下... 唔係,係收殮一下。無知唔係大晒,account 大亦不足以連人格也奉上。



At 22/11/09 7:13 pm, Blogger 學子 said...

'Leo Burnett hits back at Kam Fan copycat claims'


At 23/11/09 2:04 pm, Blogger 黑人 said...

佢個鬼仔老頂都係咁,只懂用psd 砌字稿,唔識出血及多數基本常識

廣告公司咁大,抵佢地串既,明明係抄都可以講到原創,而且無事,呢d就係佢地過人之處,換著係一間薄有名氣的graphic 公司仔,俾人claim 爆都似


At 23/11/09 3:18 pm, Blogger ablogaday said...

When will they have a Turnitin for visual and design plagarism?

At 23/11/09 4:32 pm, Blogger 學子 said...

不過惗真啲,兩年前單「省靚招牌」其實已經 make 咗個好清晰嘅 statement –– same(or 九成似)execution 喺唔同 context 就唔等於 plagiarism 嘛。

建議一:朱古力淋猛男,賣(東瀛男優)朱古力波新戲 DVD cover。

建議二:紅油淋債仔,Kama 跟手幫事主抺抺。

At 23/11/09 4:42 pm, Blogger 學子 said...


At 23/11/09 6:18 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i work in 4a's, really i dont see whats there to brag about.
most clients in hk have low intelligence rate and so does half of the account servicing....talk about creatives haha we are not that good over all

the least we could do is not copying.....

and kam fan sucks.
it is the embarrassment of advertising in hk

At 24/11/09 10:38 am, Anonymous goldiewhy said...

advertising is dead.

At 9/12/09 12:14 am, Blogger Bizarre2love said...

Connie Lo, ECD at Leo Burnett Hong Kong, acknowledged the speculation but commented. "In contrast to traditional yoga ads that mostly feature girls in typical post, we highlighted in our ads the health benefit of hot yoga - to sweat. Our idea and the line 'Sweat off your flab' was born from the inspiration of 'sweat' and 'beautiful bodies'. I know there's been some discussion going on in the industry about this. In fact some of the creative directors in town have already commented that that the ideas are completely different, and that John's work is just a photography piece, not an idea about sweating off your flab.”

She added that the HK4As, which organises the Kam Fan Awards, and the panel of judges had confirmed the eligibility of Leo Burnett's campaign.

Context is not the most important issue, the important point is you are straightly copying and simply "pretend" it is from your own fucking brain.

At 9/12/09 12:39 am, Blogger 學子 said...



「In fact some of the creative directors in town have already commented that that the ideas are completely different...」誰?做「省靚招牌五十年」「海港城」嗰幾個?!


At 14/12/09 11:35 am, Blogger 學子 said...


「Let Others Let Others Know」 ?!?!


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