


「免費都唔要?!」被人這樣反覆反問,真係火都嚟。「我唔需要,多謝了。」「為甚麼?」他媽的,關你鬼事咩!我係客,你 sell 我,還嘢嘢步步進迫審犯咁審?!甚至在手機中用我 air time 浪費我時間!真係唔知乜世界。想保持良好家教好言相向不果,唯有按下「終止通話」或低着頭掂行掂過不予理瞅。甚麼「嗱,先生,介紹番先 ... ...」類似 sales 用語實在太機械、太生硬、太富有企圖,對我而言,絕對是一種「de-sell」。



... ... ... ... ... ...

今天首日上班,感覺良好,同事們可親,工作也蠻有趣的。Thanks God!

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At 1/4/08 11:17 am, Blogger 塞米一條揚陸轟炸機 said...

返香港後第一個幫襯既優惠 : 吉野家買十送一,lunch一流啊~~~~ XDDD

At 1/4/08 9:06 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

的確, 而家香港充斥著很多優惠陷阱, 計落好似好優惠, 但係慳得少少, 但第時可能更難受, 最簡單就係電話網絡出機預繳, 衰既時候唔想用都要焗用, 所以我都係唔貪優惠, 用電話個個月清, 乜野積分優惠合約都唔用...

At 2/4/08 12:19 am, Blogger 學子 said...


當買 PS3 都無啦啦有隻杯送時 (前個禮拜嘅事),我們出賣自己勞力購錢,就難免被要求「打個折」或「送個公仔」了。

At 2/4/08 2:18 am, Blogger 黑人 said...

街上唔想俾sales 纏,tried and true 的做法是拿出手機,作勢扮講緊電話,通常都唔會再搞你。

優惠,係因為marketing 怕咩鑊,怕出事,所以重覆用呢d 最懶的方法谷quota

At 2/4/08 2:49 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could you post photo of your new office/office desk? Good lunk in hong kong.

At 2/4/08 9:32 am, Blogger 學子 said...


anonymous, why? and who are you?

At 4/4/08 4:30 am, Blogger Snowdrops said...

Hi 學子, long time no visit, didn't realise you're back in HK already. I have had computer problems for a long while so I wasn't able to read a lot of blogs for ages, especially if they are in Chinese as my little mobile browser didn't support Chinese type.

Anyway, glad to hear that you're settling well in your new job in HK. Wishing you every success for your creative career :)

(btw, although I'm not the "anonymous" person above, there is a blog that posts photos of creative people's desk space online, maybe you were targeted by them?? See: http://www.on-my-desk.blogspot.com/).

Anyway, I'm sorry I couldn't recommend you places to visit in Dublin before you left the UK, but I hope you did get to come over here for a brief trip, or at least have travelled around Scotland and Wales before you go?

Re: the Helvetica film you mentioned below, I recently saw a program on the Sky Arts channel about the origins of Helvetica and how its functions, and people's perceptions towards it, have changed over time, and am wondering if it's the same film that you're talking about. It is interesting typographical history, and I too am surprised that a whole programme can be based on a seemingly bland type such as Helvertica. But I'm curious why it never mentioned other cognate fonts like Arial? Perhaps they did on your DVD?

At 7/4/08 9:32 pm, Blogger 學子 said...

snowdrops, 謝謝你的問好。我的 Dublin 之旅十分愉快。其實只是在市內走走逛逛,到到博物館和旅遊名勝,已經足以令我和內子樂透半天。加上在 Dublin 之前我們還到過 Oslo 和 Stockholm,所以體力都耗得七七八八,哈。

我相信你看的那套影片正是《Helvetica》。我只看了主片子,其他的 Extra 還未看,因我借了給友人。希望在繁忙的港式生活能有空續看吧。


At 12/4/08 7:15 pm, Blogger Snowdrops said...

Omigod so you WERE actually here! Did you go to the National Gallery (near the back of Trinity College - which is right in the middle of Dublin city centre) and Irish Museum of Modern Art (at the outer edge of city centre)? Have you visited Trinity College (there's a mini modern art gallery called the Dhg - Douglas Hyde Gallery - at the Arts' Block entrance)?

It's a pity I couldn't show you and your wife around when you were here, but am glad all the same that you had a great time :)

At 13/4/08 12:49 am, Blogger 學子 said...

National Gallery 和 Museum of Modern Art 我們都到過,蠻好看的;但沒有到過 Trinity College 和 DHG,我想我們定錯過了名勝了。不要緊,名勝通常都去不盡的,不然,旅程速度要變成走馬看花式了。好,那現在我有藉口再遊愛爾蘭了。


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