

Kitsch (媚俗、刻奇) is a German term that has been used to categorize art that is considered an inferior copy of an existing style. The term is also used more loosely in referring to any art that is pretentious or in bad taste, and also commercially produced items that are considered trite or crass.

Because the word was brought into use as a response to a large amount of art in the 19th century where the aesthetic of art work was confused with a sense of exaggerated sentimentality or melodrama, kitsch is most closely associated with art that is sentimental, mawkish, or maudlin; however, it can be used to refer to any type of art that is deficient for similar reasons—whether it tries to appear sentimental, glamorous, theatrical, or creative, kitsch is said to be a gesture imitative of the superficial appearances of art. It is often said that kitsch relies on merely repeating convention and formula, lacking the sense of creativity and originality displayed in genuine art.

From Wikipedia
讀陳冠中先生的《我這一代香港人》,當中一篇《坎普.垃圾.刻奇》,講及「Camp」、「Trash」和「Kitsch」的含意。篇文好長,勁多陌生的人物、地方、名詞,睇到眼坦坦。雖然不是 100% 明白全文,但不求甚解的我,對「Kitsch」一詞十分感興趣。

一邊讀,一邊想:咦?!乜咁熟口熟面嘅?... ... 雖然「Kitsch」呢個字源自上世紀六七十年代的德國慕尼黑,本意用來形容當時的暴富新貴那種修養有限而又充有品味的文化 (看似高貴有品味,事實上則附庸風雅、跟風摹倣、俗不可耐、bad tastes 不堪之舉)。但身處廿一世紀、活在國際大都會康港的我,對「Kitsch」的親切感,簡直有如與生俱來。

Kitsch 的例子,陳在《坎》文已陳列了不少,在此無謂重複。有趣的是,在生活中每時每刻的觀察。Kitsch,雖則貶意,但果然如陳所言,它可以為人帶來歡樂的!(視乎我們如何「享受」它)

Barcelona Chair by Ludwig Mies van der Rohn. 攝於 Barcelona Pavilion,零六年春。

曾志偉的奇華月餅廣告裏,有張用 CG 拉長了的白色 Barcelona Chair。

從前賣 Vitra Mini Museum 的微型精製 Designer Chairs 的 PageOne,賣起「Affordable Q 版塑膠現水口 Barcelona Chair」來。

行過一間手飾店 (海港城),滿廚窗都是那套「Affordable Q 版塑膠現水口 Designer Chairs」,好不品味高雅。

打開由李永銓先生擔任 creative consultant 的 MetroPop 雜誌,看到一支黑蚊蚊的男士護膚產品 (MTM Japan) 站立在一張黑色的「Affordable Q 版塑膠現水口 Barcelona Chair」上。

... ... ...



At 22/9/06 2:52 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

求先同家姐去一間 cafe 吃晚飯 ,
間 cafe 好特別 , [好有錢] ,
張張 [鄧]都係不同既 [切雞鄧] ,
未能及時影相 , 但可以告知地點 ,
如果你未返敦倫又無聊想走一走既話都可以去睇睇 ~~
0係 旺角工業貿易處對面既 PCCW 樓上 (即二樓全層) ,
叫 pancake's colour cafe ~~

At 22/9/06 12:04 pm, Blogger 學子 said...

Design Chairs !!! 咁潮?!我鍾意呀!我真係好鍾意 design 㗎!真係一定要去幫襯下先!

(啲櫈係真嘢,定祖國量產複製品先?你知啦,聽講 Le Corbusier 幢 Notre Dame du Haut,國內都有喎!)

At 22/9/06 2:37 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

咁大量... 我又睇真佢 D 款係複製貓出來咁款 , 應該係祖國出品啦 ~~~
但質地好似都 OK
但好好笑 , D 單人 [鄧] 張張大大舊圍住張真正 BAR [鄧] SIZE 既 [木台] ,
果種感覺.... 好特別 !

講開國產地產 ,
北京起左個 SOHO 區 , D 樓好似香港早期公屋 !!
仲有一幢全玻璃 3層既 STARBUCKS ,
總之感覺就係一條公屋屋村啦 !! 正到爆呀!!
相片貼左 0係 我個 blog

At 22/9/06 4:09 pm, Blogger 學子 said...

真真假假,假假真真,如果太執著,太清楚,令自己冇癮,倒不如轉轉角度,開開心心 kitsch 一下,仲膠興!

我國地大,唔似得本港,地少又地產主義,(見你張圖) 做乜起屋起到咁密呀?!係咪人哋有啲攪嘢新概念,新實驗,我哋唔知咋。可能大廈裏面兩三層至係一個超高樓底單位呢,喺大陸,好多嘢話唔埋㗎嘛。

At 23/9/06 12:58 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard that the designer chair models in Vitra Chair Museum are REALLY expensive. So plastics have their place I guess..

Even papers pnes have market!

At 23/9/06 2:56 am, Blogger 學子 said...

Kitsch 根本就跟大眾 (新貴) 市場和口味息息相關。

At 23/9/06 3:41 am, Blogger 學子 said...

其實,如果啲櫈仔製作精美,用料又有趣,平平地,當玩具買番嚟玩下、得意下都無妨,kitsch 就 kitsch 吧 (我鍾意,你理得我!)。

但係,如果做 job,想營造「貴氣」,就要認真考慮件道具嘅質素吧。用得「巴塞櫈」或多或少想帶出 modern 時尚高品味感,採用膠玩具或亂咁嚟,難道不怕適得其反?(不過,可能就正因受眾受吧)

At 23/9/06 6:51 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the public won't even know it's called the barcelona chair. so don't think it will 適得其反

o btw, I am a fan of Ikea. you can call me kitsch too

At 23/9/06 11:56 am, Blogger 學子 said...

那又不用下下爭住認自己 kitsch。

Ikea 有不少實用、大方、original 的好 design 的。喜歡 Ikea 不見得一定是充有品味、跟風摹倣,又何 kitsch 之有呢?


At 23/9/06 1:26 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

呢 d 微型 1:6 [切雞鄧]平均每張 1-2k ,
手工真係好精細 , 我就鍾意呢 d 精細野 ~~

如果呢 d 膠 version [切雞鄧] 有出人手製既話 , 都會考慮買張來擺下呀 ~~

At 23/9/06 8:39 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

莘莘學子: haha no, but Ikea really has some copied designs.

libby: really quite nice. but again too expensive and too big

btw i really recommand a booked called "Chair". It's in the icon design series

At 23/9/06 10:02 pm, Blogger 學子 said...

哦,其實,現代消費主義下,都市人都好難話完全脫離 kitsch 嘅 ~ 。Ikea 好、實惠好、GOD 好、Homeless 好、Aluminium 好、Habitat 都好,只要對 kitsch 有意識,已經不錯了吧。


At 25/9/06 9:10 am, Blogger Snowdrops said...

Hey Libby, you can get these designer chair replicas from the MOMA website as well (www.moma.org/shop). I saw these 1:6 miniature chairs in the High Museum of Art shop (also saw a few of the originals in the museum proper) in Atlanta during the summer, and they are really like a work of art. I am secretly hoping someone would get one of these for me for my housewarming gift when I get my new apartment! (I'd even settle for those translucent coasters that have these designer chairs on them also from MOMA).

At 25/9/06 9:25 am, Blogger Snowdrops said...

Correction, the link should be "momastore" instead (as moma.org just brings you to the museum site).

The actual section for miniature chairs is here:

The Barcelona Chair retails at around US$360, whereas the real reproduction chair will set you back a cool few thousand US dollars (there isn't a proper repo Barcelona available on the website, but to get a certified repo Le Corbusier Chaise Longue would be around 2 and a half grand, and La Chaise itself a cool 7 grand US.)

I guess this kind of budget for what functions essentially as a prop is just way too much for HK ad agencies?

Anyway, the MOMA site is great for snappy design info behind each chair too.


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