
細味 WC

自幼稚園起,有兩樣嘢,一直鍾情至今,熱愛程度有增無減。一,唔駛講,art & design 嘢。喺呢度,吹咗差不多成年 design 水,都樂此不疲,自得其樂,少啲癮都難以持續呢。幼稚園時唔知乜係 design (而家都有啲 confused),愛用粉彩蠟筆畫畫畫,做勞作,唔知點解,感覺最滿足最享受;長大後,幸運地做咗相關嘅勞動工作,雖然辛苦,時而無癮,但仍愛無謂攪作,快樂創作!深信遼闊嘅創作天空非局限於康港扭曲了嘅 skyline 之上。二,足球,英式嗰隻!(唔覺得美球足球係 football) 但唔算係嗰種精通足運歷史、球員球會資料嘅隻「人肉足球 google」,足球知識層面長期停留喺常識階段。如果硬要喺睇波同踢波之間擇其一,一定揀踢波。雖然又唔係踢得好好,入乜乜物物青年軍或甲乙組嗰隻,但總之一個月冇波踢,雙腳一定痕 (二來係因為康港腳)。有時遇着天雨或颱風 (大家知啦,康港最興週未打風落雨),攪到冇波踢,心情會 down 晒。幸好幾年前日本仔發明咗 Winning Eleven,腳痕時都有啲慰藉。

出世後第一個屋企,係舊式唐樓嘅板間房,當時好興一屋分租俾多個家庭,好鬼熱鬧。客廳與天井 (廚房) 之間,一間一間板間房湊成一條長長嘅走廊,一頭一尾當作龍門,一個 size 剛剛好嘅兒童室內足球埸就此形成!大賽通常係我同年長三歲嘅哥哥一隊,對高頭大馬嘅堂大佬。日常賽事則以我同哥哥單挑為主。因為同住嘅大伯父生前係 100% 足球狂熱份子,所以在他熏陶下,足球牢牢地注入了我嘅血液當中。

八六年世界盃算係懂性以來第一次知發生乜事嘅世界盃。嗰屆雖然係馬勒當拿玩晒,一「手」兩腳地令阿國奪取第二次冠軍,但兒時嘅我,卻對富藝術美感嘅森巴足球發生嚴重興趣,就如被森巴女郎迷倒一樣。而至愛、又支持得最耐嘅巴西球員,就係今屆首仗行行企企成粒鐘,最後被換出,只射過一腳波,賽後又話頭暈又盛,自己體型同佢越來越接近嘅「大哨」—— 朗拿度。係,雖然條友仔近年表現真係爭唔落,踢法由昔日喺巴塞嘅通場跑到今日嘅 ... ... 企,確實退色咗唔少,風頭更被「細哨」蓋過 (睇 Nike 啲 ad 就知);但係佢嘅才華同 fit 嗰陣嘅表現,真係世間罕有,唔單只好波、擁有能人所不能嘅盤扭技術,最令人如癡如醉嘅係 ... ... 腳法實在太靚,太 creative 了!... ... 希望佢嘅巴塞年代返來,實在係奢望,但真係好想好想見番佢 ... ... 郁番多啲啲,勤力啲啲。


英國嘅免費電視台,BBC1 同 ITV1,聯合直播所有賽事,令呢項舉世觸目嘅盛事可以全民共享,窮人都有得睇。幾懷念康港以前同樣嘅直播方式,各電視台之間有競爭,觀眾又有選擇。好怕近幾屆康港啲直播節目,被收費電視台壟斷不特止,節目品味同取向簡直令人 (可能只屬小數) 慘不忍睹,攪到好似舞廰咁,又「世界妹」又甚麼「angel」,根本就係變種啤酒妹,喺度賣弄軟性色情!啲主持嘉賓,唔猥瑣嘅都唔請,一係就講埋啲賭波經,甚麼讓半球球半,間接宣揚賭波可以增加球賽觀賞刺激度,反之,足圈中人專業評論就買少見少 (阿叔又快要退休),唉 ... ... 又一「凡事娛樂大眾化」嘅犧牲品。

英國嘅直播,BBC1 由連尼加 (Gary Lineker) 主持,夾三個球壇名宿嘉賓 (當中不乏世界盃前國腳),共四條友仔,就係咁多!背景冇大龍大鳳,九彩佈置扮隆重,只係一個球場背景。主角永遠只係球賽本身,足球係焦點所在。點解節目中冇女?呢點真係唔知,可能係文化差異吧。(其實其他台有時有女主持,不過都係好端莊嗰隻)

到目前為止,今屆世盃,好波真係多的是。阿根廷喺對塞黑場波 (6:0),demo 咗一次何謂強隊,何謂足球。南韓 2:1 反勝多哥,為東亞足球爭咗唔少光 (日本就 ... )。法國首仗和波!(我最開心) Kaka 救咗巴西。葡萄牙費高未老得晒,C 朗拿度繼續插花。英格蘭頭場悶蛋,第二場尾五分鐘似番啲樣,Rooney 復出,Gerrard 返番嚟。德國依然悶爆。... ... Adidas 對 Nike 漸露疲態,波衫 design 同概念個人覺得 Nike 略勝,特別嗰招 tailor-made typeface,因應不同國家傳統歷史背景 design 一隻字款用喺波衫上,突破且合理。雖然南韓同荷蘭嗰兩款數字麻麻地,有啲 off balance,但墨西哥嗰隻真係好正。Adidas 嘅老本依然食得唔錯,特別個 official 波波,尚保得住個一哥地位。

四年一度,持續一個月嘅連續劇,快要進入 second round,希望巴西生生性性,俾番啲顔色阿根廷睇。

早前友人告知,話德國當代殿堂級 graphic designer Erik Spiekermann,對世盃個嘜頭甚為不滿,丟晒架咁話。唉 ~~~ 唔係事後孔明,大師鬧我又鬧,其實最初見到呢個「笑哈哈 logo」,已覺佢騎呢,完全唔覺有德國傳統 graphic design 嘅質素。唔係話要下下四平八穩,入晒 grid 至夠德國,失望嘅係嗰份「冇信心」,嗰份「衰客 decision making 後遺症」,設計者嗰份「妥協」,出晒嚟。好認同 Spiekermann 帶出現時德國政治局面與設計之關係。環境、制度、涉及嘅人之多寡同質素跟完成品,無疑係有着天大嘅關係。我諗呢點,行家最感同身受。


At 18/6/06 9:24 am, Blogger ablogaday said...


At 18/6/06 9:35 pm, Blogger 學子 said...


At 19/6/06 6:46 am, Blogger 學子 said...


好開心南韓再發神威,打平法國佬!法國出局,我就交興!不過施丹下場停賽,如果法國就咁 out 咗,可能佢嘅國際賽生涯就會隨佢遲啲退休國家隊而結束。

At 19/6/06 10:42 am, Blogger Snowdrops said...

Hey I really enjoy reading your blog, but this is the first time I leave a comment here... because of your football comments about England. I live in Ireland and we didn't make the finals, but even so the world cup mania is sweeping the country. Yeah, it's unbelievable how the English media completely hyped up their team, but actually there was a very funny comment by a Sky News reporter one time, who said on air that the England team should learn from the Argentinians: "When you get the ball, don't just lump it forward, pass it to your mates!" Also, what you said about BBC coverage versus the soft-porn HK coverage is sadly very true indeed...

What do you think of the Czech Republic versus Ghana match yesterday? I absolutely adore Ghana now - never knew African football could be so exciting and fun to watch as well, though I do worry for its later chances because a number of its good players have yellow-carded themselves out of the next game...

I just want to say also that I have been in love with art and design from a very very young age, winning all those art competitions in HK (such as the Yaohan Mother's and Father's Day competitions and the Shatin festival competitions) and also went into the art stream in Ti-I College (not sure if you know about this secondary school in HK? Sadly I only studied F.1 there before I left Hong Kong with my family), and when I moved to Ireland with my family, achieving A1 in my Leaving Cert (the Irish equivalent to A-levels) - the only A1 I received in all my subjects.

Unfortunately my art and design dream ended there... I wanted to go into art college after Leaving, but a combination of parental objection, the sheer amateurishness of the Irish art colleges at the time as well as their punkish atmosphere (which didn't suit my mellower personality as well as my intellectual leanings) left me to pursue Business and Sociology instead... I didn't regret doing that degree because I also love Sociology (and Marketing and Organisation Theory as well) and I love my university (Trinity College Dublin), and my final year dissertation involved studying the creatives in a top Irish ad agency, but I do harbour secret dreams of pursuing art and design again (currently I'm a university lecturer and researcher)... Reading your blog about your life in Central St. Martin makes me wish that I'm in your shoes... You're really lucky to have the chance to go to a good art school, but of course a huge factor of your "luck" is actually your perseverence. Fair play to you!

At 20/6/06 9:20 am, Blogger 學子 said...


今屆世界盃真係好鬼精彩!初頭都以為冇咗班熟識嘅非洲球隊,新嗰班「咔啦蘇」唔知乜料,哈,原來一樣咁堅!咁有驚喜!唔只 Ghana,其他非洲隊都好勁。可能喺非洲隊難有「西方標準」嘅靚仔,但我係好偏好黑人踢波,好以特別有爆炸力特別襟踢咁!... ... 至於捷克,唉,真係可憐。尾班對意大利,真係「炆水」。


哈哈,我中學嗰陣,都屢獲殊榮㗎!不過出嚟做嘢後就 ... ... 哈哈!


... ... ...


{{ X D

At 22/6/06 7:37 am, Blogger Snowdrops said...

Thanks "hardworking student" for replying to my humble comment, I'm very happy that you knew about Ti-I and thought that it's a good school! :) When I was there for F.1 it was the very first year of the establishment of the school so everything was brand new but it was such a wonderful year (9 classes per week devoted to art and design!) that I'd never forget it.

Hey, I'm also glad to find another guy who appreciates African football in this tournament! Yes most of the teams and players really I wouldn't have known about them at all but they are still a joy to watch :D So in addition to Argentina and South Korea - my favourite teams before the start of the matches - I'll be cheering for Ghana all the way!

Saw Argentina vs Holland earlier this evening though and it's an eventful though ultimately fruitless 0-0 for both. Still, both are putting in good work... I wonder which team(s) you support? England perhaps??

At 22/6/06 8:25 am, Blogger 學子 said...

由細到而家都棒巴西!第二,葡萄牙,因為我覺得佢哋係歐洲嘅巴西 (其實我偏愛南美波)。跟住東亞至愛,南韓!好欣賞佢哋有唔少基督徒球員嘅見證 (上屆世界有球員入完波即跪低祈禱)!最尾,英格蘭囉 ... ... 其實真係唔覺佢哋勁,而家 Owen 又返咗屋企,唉 ~~~ 不過勝在熟口熟面,同埋,始終喺英國嘛 ... ... 哈哈哈!


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