

《明報》9月16日 星期二 05:10

【明報專訊】特區政府喺 2001年推出「香港品牌」計劃,以「飛龍」為標誌,宣傳本港,但就畀人笑唔似雞,唔似鳳嘅「飛龍」,唔能夠突出本港國際都會嘅形象。政府近排係度諗緊,係咪要為飛龍「整容」,改善吓線條同佢背後代表嘅香港核心價值。誰知呢個消息一出,國際品牌設計師余奉祖就自動獻身,話願意以半價為政府重塑品牌形象。

余奉祖設計標誌過百 獲獎無數



本來唔想登出嚟,怕污染敝 blog;但此報導如果屬實,實在搞鬼。

二、「已經設計咗150個品牌標誌」又點?!鬥多麼?Landor 夠巴閉吧,咪出咗條「飛龍」囉!
五、23歲?! 鬥細麼?一鳴 –– 驚人?!
六、「獲魯迅後人評為『最完美』的徽號」,perfect?! 咪重利害過 Paul Rand?!咁魯迅後人有冇提及《阿Q正傳》呢?!

... ... ... ... ... ...


唉,好心啦~~~ ~~~ ~~~


At 19/9/08 8:57 am, Blogger 黑人 said...





At 19/9/08 10:53 am, Blogger 觀。鳥。家。。果仔 said...


At 19/9/08 12:53 pm, Blogger 塞米一條揚陸轟炸機 said...


如黑人所說,單憑Logo或者一個更美的品牌,能造就甚麼呢? 能幫公關式的政府粉飾甚麼呢? 搞起呢個campaign的人說這個logo為了幫旅遊業,是本末倒置的想法,反正做了出來也證明係唔work嘛。


At 19/9/08 12:56 pm, Blogger 朋友 said...


At 19/9/08 10:00 pm, Blogger We Make America said...

I had the same respond. Why half price???

If he were a legend, he had all the rights to mark up his fee especially the government is the client.

A good designer talks about what he did in design school.

A great designer talks about what he did last year.

A legend doesn’t talk. He is busy working.


The HK’s media market is that bad????

At 20/9/08 12:15 am, Blogger goldiewhy said...

最正係余生的 website, O 字里面有張人頭相,超正!

At 20/9/08 12:19 am, Blogger 學子 said...


回歸後,我們已失去昔日的自信。搞大龍大鳳,玩甚麼品牌,都難否定一個事實———康港風光不再。大力去殖民化*,紫砂茶漬所淨無幾,以為佢玩前瞻搞破舊,誰不知都係食老本,整埋啲俗氣幻彩激光、人有我有星光大道、shop shop shop... ...

最好乜Q都唔好做,或,停做映衰康港嘅事,如:停用「淫蟲大哥」、重建中央圖書館、拆灣仔大金龍、停用肉酸十蚊紙、執好少少啲政府部門logos、停洗曾灶財墨寶、唔好對港產導演大細超、實行雙普選... ...


... ... ... ... ... ...

* 康港郵政甚麼「郵趣廊」,世界多國郵筒紀念品都有,唯獨冇九七前紅色港英版,為甚麼?問過店員,佢都覺怪。

At 20/9/08 1:12 pm, Blogger 塞米一條揚陸轟炸機 said...

goldiewhy : 佢張相仲用彩虹gradiant襯底添呀救命!

At 21/9/08 3:01 pm, Blogger 學子 said...

吖,其實世上有邊個城市的 logo 是成功的呢?東京?!北京?!敦倫?!紐約?!雪梨?!首爾?!... ... 好似冇個有鮮明 logo 喎?!(若冇記錯,Milton Glaser 的「I (heart) NY」,當年並非以一個城市 logo 出現的呢?)

At 21/9/08 10:13 pm, Blogger goldiewhy said...


At 23/9/08 8:29 am, Blogger Snowdrops said...

What do you mean "重建中央圖書館"?!!? Please don't tell me that the Central Library is no more?? And I thought they got rid of the $10 notes and replaced them with coins, no??? When have they re-introduced "肉酸十蚊紙"???

You're right, there's nothing special about HK anymore ever since they stopped treating the Victoria harbour as a harbour and got rid of the Star Ferry. Cities are like people in a way - not having the courage to be yourself and respect your own history means you've no character which means you've become boring, and latching on to superficial things won't turn you into a more interesting person/city, just more desparate. The worst gimmick is 幻彩激光, complete waste of the Earth's resources!

At 24/9/08 12:01 am, Blogger 學子 said...



At 24/9/08 3:28 am, Blogger Snowdrops said...


The last time I was at the Central Library was in 1999, and at that time it was still the same building as it had always been - a decidedly utilitarian modernist square box of a building with white concrete rendering on the exterior of its floors. It's not "beautiful", but it has a functional aesthetic and reflected the era in which it was built. So I was a bit surprised by your comment above. So I just googled it and finally realised that it had a complete make-over in 2001, and OMG, the photo that was on the HK Public Library website showed it as some kind of hotel/condo complex lookalike with faux Georgian architectual influences, and then I finally realise what you mean by "醜怪庸俗無品味"...

At least I should be grateful that the Central Library still stands (when I first read your comment I was so afraid that they just got rid of it altogether), and although its architectual style may leave something to be desired, at least this new building is apparently an "eco-building" and is much bigger than its predecessor.

But "plastic money"????????? Perhaps I should count myself as lucky that I am not quite up to date on all the newer developments in HK over the past decade.


Indeed, we should really count our blessings that this is still the case.

At 24/9/08 3:44 am, Blogger Snowdrops said...

Okay, I googled some more, and realised that what I took to be HK's old Central Library in my memory is more correctly termed the City Hall Library (which did serve as a central library for HK prior to the new-fangled purpose-built building in 2001). Thanks to Wikipedia indeed - they still have the photos of the City Hall library and even the floor signs that I recognised!

At 24/9/08 8:27 am, Blogger 黑人 said...

金鐘圖書館同埋天星碼頭都有強烈Bauhaus 風格,非常實用



At 26/9/08 4:06 am, Blogger B.Y. said...





At 29/9/08 1:26 am, Blogger Snowdrops said...


I think the emigration waves of Hkers started way before 1997. My family and I left in 1990, and we were by no means the first ones to emigrate at that time. In fact, if my memory serves me, HKers started leaving the territory in droves in the late 1980's, the Tiananmen massacre in 1989 just turned that into a wave with people fighting over visas and passports.

I'm not sure if these HK emigres are "talented" or not as a group, but I do think that their emigration left a vaccuum in middle and senior management. It was seen as initially a good thing (more promotion opportunities for those who stayed), but perhaps the fact that this vaccuum existed when HK was under pressure to transform itself in the image fit for its new boss the CCP has meant that it was that much harder for HK to retain its unique identity and ways of working and adherance to standards.


Exactly. The Disneyland at Paris (formerly known as EuroDisney) is located in the Paris suburbs. In fact there were huge Parisian protests against it when it was first proposed, with many Parisians thinking that such an American monstrosity would dilute the Parisian way of life. The French has the courage to protect their cultural heritage, I just hope we do too.

At 29/9/08 10:18 pm, Blogger 學子 said...



At 29/9/08 11:51 pm, Blogger 塞米一條揚陸轟炸機 said...


眼見手揸杯「星爸黑」就以為自己高人一等!? 唔係下化......我仲以為咖啡市場大眾化左,D人會覺得好閒架咋......乜仲有D咁hard plastic (XDDD)的觀念既!?


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